Copper Bestseller

Just a quick note to crow a bit: My first product on the DM’s Guild is now a Copper Bestseller! This is extremely exciting to me, and I’m grateful to everyone who purchased a copy — even if you only paid a nickel!

To pull the curtain back a little, all of my titles are available as Pay-What-You-Want (for now). That means you can even pay nothing at all to download these PDFs; and in fact, I encourage you to! Nearly a thousand people have done just that so far.

However, if you pay any amount whatsoever, the DM’s Guild counts that as a sale — not just a download. And if you “sell” 51 or more copies, you’re officially a Copper Bestseller. You can climb up the ranks after that, but this is the first tier that lets people know, “Hey, this is actually something people liked.”

I’m flattered and delighted that over 51 people have spent money on this product. I hope I can continue producing PDFs that the community enjoys for a long time!

Magical Mishaps: 100 New Wild Magic Surges is available on the DM’s Guild as a PWYW title.

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